3 day 3 quotes challenge: day 3

I am nominated to this three days, three quotes challenge by these lovely two fellow bloggers, Thoughts (https://justamillionthoughts.com/) & The Inquisitive Mind (https://hubbhalal.wordpress.com/). This is my last and final day. Before accepting this challenge, I never knew how many quotes I actually love, and can’t even decide what to post and what not to! Thanks to the lovely bloggers, who made me realize that and put me in to this lovely dilemma! ❤

So, before I post I want to give you guys a reminder of the rules:

1st, Thank the blogger who nominated you.

2nd, Post three quotes for three days.

3rd, Nominate three bloggers per day.

4th, Inform the nominees.

And here is my quote of the day:


Our brain is the most awesome thing ever! Isn’t that strange how far we can go in our head? In your own world, you are the King / Queen of your kingdom. No matter how much demons you fight there, how many battle you fight, at the end of the day, you are the one who controls everything! You can be whatever you want, in your mind. Nobodies are around to see you there, at the top of your own world, shining the brightest like a moon. 🙂

And here are my nominees:

  1. https://swytsuccess.wordpress.com/
  2. https://naziazakia.wordpress.com/
  3. https://zebarc.wordpress.com/

Hope you guys enjoyed the post! Have a nice evening everyone! ❤

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